관리자 *.162.3.250 조회 1606 2010.05.17 15:36
The Purpose of Marriage
Ladies and gentlemen, why should we get married? It is to restore the
position of an owner. A man or woman alone can only be one half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that
reason, He has interchanged the owners of the sexual organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife’s sexual organ is the husband, and the owner of the
husband’s is the wife. Only when
each is rooted in love for the other can they stand in the position of the
owner of their spouse. We marry to secure this position of the owner.
Then what
are we trying to achieve by restoring the position of the owner? It is to
fulfill and embody God’s love from that position. God is the subject of the
three great loves. As the Owner of the universe, He is the teacher, owner and
parent of true love. This is the genuine “three great subjects” principle. All
such teachings and truths are created based on the life of true, model
families, and once they expand, the society, nation, world and even heaven and
earth can be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model ideal family.
leaders, you are now living in the most blessed and exalted time in history. I
now proclaim the launch of the era of a new heaven and earth, an era after the
coming of heaven, long-awaited and yearned for by billions of your ancestors in
the spirit world who have come and gone throughout history: this is the era of
the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Not only the four great religious
founders but also billions of good ancestors have come down to earth at this
point to guide you on the heavenly path. The age in which the fallen and corrupted
world plays havoc on people’s lives, allowing those who are evil to live better
than others, is passing away.
Moon, who received the seal of Heaven, has come as the True Parent of humanity
and the King of Peace. I will be true to my promise to God.
I will bring
to fruition the era of the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world on this earth,
without fail. Therefore, please bear in mind that all of you gathered here
today are the central figures in establishing the kingdom of the peaceful,
ideal world on this earth, in attendance to the king and queen of peace, the
True Parents.
Under the
banner of the “Abel-type UN,” let us sweep away the absurdities and the evil of
this world through true love power. Let us become the proud “peace kingdom
police” and “peace kingdom corps” of the Universal Peace Federation, and
protect the blessed families of the world. Let us fulfill our roles as the
sentinels watching over this blessed land that is our planet.
I pray that
the blessings and grace of God may be with all of you leaders representing
different areas of responsibility, whose presence has elevated this historic
I ask you to
devote your best efforts, as True Parents have, toward the development and
success of the Universal Peace Federation, and toward creating God’s ideal
family, ideal nation and the peace kingdom.
become true princes and princesses who can attend and live together with God,
the eternal peace king, as the true parent of humanity. Let us each live up to
the standard of a true, devoted child, a patriot, a saint, and a member of the
family of the sons and daughters of God, in order to create the glorious
kingdom of peace and prosperity.
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