Sunday, 24 March 2013

관리자 *.162.3.250 조회 1606 2010.05.17 15:36
The Purpose of Marriage

Ladies and gentlemen, why should we get married? It is to restore the position of an owner. A man or woman alone can only be one half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the sexual organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife’s sexual organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband’s is the wife. Only when each is rooted in love for the other can they stand in the position of the owner of their spouse. We marry to secure this position of the owner.
Then what are we trying to achieve by restoring the position of the owner? It is to fulfill and embody God’s love from that position. God is the subject of the three great loves. As the Owner of the universe, He is the teacher, owner and parent of true love. This is the genuine “three great subjects” principle. All such teachings and truths are created based on the life of true, model families, and once they expand, the society, nation, world and even heaven and earth can be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model ideal family.
Distinguished leaders, you are now living in the most blessed and exalted time in history. I now proclaim the launch of the era of a new heaven and earth, an era after the coming of heaven, long-awaited and yearned for by billions of your ancestors in the spirit world who have come and gone throughout history: this is the era of the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Not only the four great religious founders but also billions of good ancestors have come down to earth at this point to guide you on the heavenly path. The age in which the fallen and corrupted world plays havoc on people’s lives, allowing those who are evil to live better than others, is passing away.
Reverend Moon, who received the seal of Heaven, has come as the True Parent of humanity and the King of Peace. I will be true to my promise to God.
I will bring to fruition the era of the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world on this earth, without fail. Therefore, please bear in mind that all of you gathered here today are the central figures in establishing the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world on this earth, in attendance to the king and queen of peace, the True Parents.
Under the banner of the “Abel-type UN,” let us sweep away the absurdities and the evil of this world through true love power. Let us become the proud “peace kingdom police” and “peace kingdom corps” of the Universal Peace Federation, and protect the blessed families of the world. Let us fulfill our roles as the sentinels watching over this blessed land that is our planet.
I pray that the blessings and grace of God may be with all of you leaders representing different areas of responsibility, whose presence has elevated this historic occasion.
I ask you to devote your best efforts, as True Parents have, toward the development and success of the Universal Peace Federation, and toward creating God’s ideal family, ideal nation and the peace kingdom.
Please become true princes and princesses who can attend and live together with God, the eternal peace king, as the true parent of humanity. Let us each live up to the standard of a true, devoted child, a patriot, a saint, and a member of the family of the sons and daughters of God, in order to create the glorious kingdom of peace and prosperity.
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Saturday, 16 March 2013


The family is the only institution created by God. It is the School of Love where people can learn how to Love each other and live together in peace, and it is the training center where we practice how to build a palace of peace in the world. It is where we learn how to become a husband or wife that will live for the sake of our spouse and how to become a husband and wife that will travel on the eternal path of love.  The family is the base camp for world peace, and it must be that the children will say " We have never seen our mother and father fight"

We come up against all sorts of things in life. Even the most loving couple can have times when they may bicker with each other, become angry and raise their voices. When the children come into the room, however it all must stop immediately. No matter how angry a spouse may be, he must relate to his spouse in peace when the children are present. The children must grow up thinking that their family is filled with joy and that their parents always love each other.

Parents are like a second God to their Children. If you ask your young children, "Who do you like better -- God or Mommy and Daddy?" and they say they like Mom and Daddy better, that means that they also like God. The most precious education takes place in the family. The family is intended to be the Kingdom of Heaven. it would not matter if a person possessed incredible wealth and fame, or even possess the whole world. If all is not right with the person's family, then he cannot be happy. The kingdom of Heaven begins in the family. If a husband and wife are bound together in true love and they build an ideal family, this would connect directly to the world.

I saw something interesting when I was in Danbury prison. We were using a We were
using a bulldozer to level a slope and make a tennis court. When it rained, we would wait for it to stop, and start up again when the sun came out. This process of starting and stopping went on for months. We
had a stretch of rain for one period, and we couldn’t work for twenty consecutive days. When the rain cleared and we went out to start the work again, we found that some kind of waterfowl had created a nest
where there were some water weeds. It was a place not more than a few meters from where the prisoners would walk for exercise. At first, we didn’t even realize that the bird was there. Its camouflage
was so perfect that the bird’s feathers could easily be mistaken for the water weeds. Once the bird laid its eggs, though, we could see there was a bird in among the grass. The bird was sitting on some eggs that looked like pieces of black gravel. Once the chicks hatched, the mother would go find some
food, bring it back to the nest, and put it in the beaks of the chicks. When the mother was returning to the nest with food, however, she never flew directly to the nest. She would land a little distance from the nest and then walk the rest of the way. Each time, she approached the nest from a different direction. This was her wisdom to make it more difficult for others to find out the location of the nest where the chicks were.

The chicks ate the food their mother brought them and grew larger. Sometimes, when a prisoner would walk near the nest, the mother would fly out and chase him away with her sharp beak. She was afraid
the prisoner might harm her chicks. The waterbird understood the true love of parents. True love is willing
to give up its own life, and there is no calculation there. The heart of the bird that was willing to sacrifice its life, if necessary, to protect its offspring was true love. Parents go the path of love, no matter how difficult it becomes. A parent is prepared, if needed, to bury his life for the sake of love, and this is true love.

The essence of love is to cast aside any thought of having others live for one’s self; it is to live for the sake of others and give for the whole. Love gives, but then forgets even the fact that it has given and continues
to give without ceasing. This is a love that gives in joy. It is the heart that a mother feels when she takes her infant in her arms and lets it feed from her breast.

Parents will suffer for their children until it seems their bones are going to melt away, yet they never feel that the work is difficult. That is how much they love their children. True love begins with God
and comes to us from God. So when the parents say to their married children, “When you like each other, it is because of the grace of your parents,” the children must be able to respond, “If you had not found
such a spouse for me, I don’t know what I would have done.” The family is a bundle of love. When we go to the Kingdom of Heaven and unpack that bundle, a wonderful father and mother will jump out. Beautiful children will jump out. A benevolent grandfather and grandmother will jump out. This is the bundle of love. The family is the space in which God’s ideal is realized and the place where we can see the completion of God’s work. God’s will is to bring about a world in which love is made real, and the family is the place where God’s love overflows.

We only need to hear the word family for us to begin smiling. This is because the family is overflowing with true love that truly lives for the sake of all members. True love gives love, then forgets even the fact that
it gave, and then gives again. The love that has parents living for their children and grandparents for the grandchildren is true love. The love that lets a person give up his or her life for the country is true love.

- Rev. Sun Myung Moon : PLGC -

Saturday, 9 March 2013


God’s will towards human Beings is to fulfill the purpose of creation and realize the ideal of creation. The realization of the ideal creation does not end merely by men and women getting married and uniting through Love. After this, they must experience having sons and daughters, because heaven and earth are formed from a principle wherein everything is linked in relationships of high and low and front and back. If there is yesterday, there is today; if there is today, there is a tomorrow, everything comes to have a meaning. If husband and wife are the higher position, then there must be children in the lower position. If there is no lower, there is no meaning. The principle of Heaven and Earth includes the relationship of high and low and left and right; husband and wife make up the left and right.
Therefore, parents think that they have fulfilled their responsibility when all their sons and daughters have married. When a husband and wife become parents and when their children get married, the higher and lower relationship is realized for the first time. Only when this higher and lower relationship is realized is the ideal manifested. A husband and wife in a left and right relationship become united, but it is only when they become parents with children, forming an upper and lower relationship, that the horizontal and the vertical are linked and they can realize the universal, ideal spherical world. Furthermore, when brothers and sisters become linked to this, at last a sphere is realized. In order to complete the realization of the ideal, we must be able to form a circle in which the vertical and the horizontal are linked. When a man and a woman each come to feel this double realm of the realized ideal, they are able to live the ideal. What does this mean? This is what the Unification Church calls the Four Position Foundation. Therefore we can say that to complete the ideal of creation means to complete the Four Position Foundation.   
A person should not be concerned with himself. Starting from “myself”, a person must pass through three stages. These three stages are: myself, reciprocal partner, and child. The relationship of myself, reciprocal partner, and child, centering on God, is the Four Position Foundation. Completion of this Four Position Foundation is God’s purpose of creation.


Many people are talking about God’s will. This terms seems very simple, but when we are suddenly asked: “What is God’s will?” it is extremely difficult to answer.

Until today, many Christians have prayed; “Oh God! May Your will be done”. And we are at present living a life of faith in order to fulfill God’s will. However it is somewhat contradictory that we are living a life of faith for God’s will and praying for its fulfillment at the same time.

I would like to give a definition of God’s will: God’s will means “to fulfill the ideal of creation”.
Then what does “to fulfill the ideal of creation” mean? It means to fulfill the ideal of man and woman. In other words, centering on Adam and Eve, the whole creation is to become united into one, fulfilling the ideal of Adam and Eve. In the words of the Unification Church Divine Principle, God’s will means to complete the Four Position Foundation.

The Four Position Foundation is the Foundation of the Family Centred on God, in which God-centred Adam and Eve become an Ideal Couple, inseparably and completely united, and multiply Children. When this Four Position Foundation is formed, Adam and Eve become one United through the love of Husband and wife centering on God and they are unable to leave God’s realm.
What was God’s purpose of creation? It was not just to watch Adam and Eve. The reason for creating man and woman was not just for each of them to age and die. God’s purpose of creation was for Adam and Eve  to grow and when they recognize their feelings towards the opposite sex, to create humankind’s true heaven on earth, making a place of love centering on God. Here, the male Adam would represent Heaven, and female Eve would represent earth. Then as Adam and Eve became united horizontally, centering on Love, heaven and earth would automatically have united.
More Important to God than the moment of creating Adam and Eve was the precious future they were to realize by completing the Four Position Foundation centering on Love.

Thursday, 7 March 2013


You might be with your partner thinking that you are showing or expressing Love but you might be missing your target if Only you understand the LOVE LANGUAGE of your partner. (Partner can be your wife, husband,children, students, friends etc)


1.   Gift

2.   Quality Time ( Time Shared Together )

3.   Service

4.   Touching ( Romance; hugging, holding hands etc)

5.   Words of Encouragement (Words of Love, Praise, Appreciation; telling him or her how she or he looks   when he wears cloths or cook or even take care of the house including the baby, washing etc.)

*** You can also share your LOVE LANGUAGE as a comment***

Welcome to the IDEAL FAMILY WORLD blog

This blog is created today to help bring Families together, Peace, Unity and Harmony in Families all over the world. This blog will Also give you all the tit bits on How to Educate your Child, advice and a very useful updates, Questions and Solutions to some small Confronted problems.

An Ideal Family Centred on God. If All families Unite in oneness, Children loving their Parents, parents loving  and caring for their Children, brothers loving themselves as well as sisters, there will be less sin in the world, and together, we can all unite our family, community, Nation and the World at large. This is how God wanted for all of us in the beginning of Creation, so that we all can come together as one family under him.

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